Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Energy Vampire

What would you do if you found out that one of your family, relative or close acquaintance is an energy vampire, or energy parasite? What is it anyway? If you never hear about this before, energy vampire is someone who could drain other's life energy by just being around near the victim. Similarly, energy parasite also drains other people's energy but in a subconscious way that the person doesn't realize what he/she is doing to others around him/her. Energy vampire/parasite would devour everything, leaving the victim with symptoms such as fatigue, sore limbs, dizziness and headache. This kind of vampires usually can be characterized by:
  • Being negative about everything around them.
  • Feeling helpless but at the same time hardheaded, always rejecting inputs from others.
The other day we went to my parent's house. We came with protection as usual, though sometimes it works, sometimes it just doesn't. That day, alas, we were drained (again), and so I had to lay in bed for the rest of the day.

Strange? Yeah, well, welcome to the dream world, where reality is stranger than fiction!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Psychic Attack

Two years have past since my last blog post here. So many things have happened. But where do I start? I have quit my job, left behind all the wolves in sheep clothings. I'm running my own business now, doing what I love, that is, making other people happy. Yet the past seems to keep haunting me from time to time.

Sometime a week ago, at dawn when I was still asleep, I had a dream, a visitation in my dream, an entity perhaps, a spirit, or could've been a person. I didn't know who but I'll just write as him since the face looked rather masculine. He certainly wasn't friendly, I felt.

He asked me, "Would you like to be able to see ghosts?" I replied, "No."
He persistently repeated, "Would you like to be able to see ghosts?" Again I said "No."

Then suddenly, a very loud buzzing sound screamed in my mind,


It was so loud my ears hurt. It lasted a brief moment, I looked straight at him fearlessly. He looked angry. He was right in front of me where I could only see his face. After a short pause the loud buzzing sound stormed my mind again, and again.

I withstood as much as I could. My teeth chattered. My ears hurt. And strong energy was wavering around causing goosebumps all around my body.

Didn't take long for me to realize this was an attack, a psychic attack. I yelled back repeatedly,
"Go away! Get out of this house!",
"In the name of Jesus! Go back to where you came from!"
"Angels, bodhisattvas, please protect us from harm."

He then dissappeared from my sight, I awoke, with goosebumps still all over my body, wavering erratically. I screamed again, this time verbally, "Stay out of this house!" The goosebumps gradually lessened until completely disappeared. There was a long silence in the dark as I waited to make sure the attack has gone.

It's been a while, and this, strange disturbance, certainly wasn't the first time, yet it opened old wounds in the past..